Yesterday me and Adro went over to 9th and Pennsylvania, where we hope to be moving into a new house soon. Well, the house is 120 years old but, you know, new to us.
Adro's grandparents own the house, and the Romeros are rennovating the casa. It's a three-bedroom, three-level house. We got Evey's room painted, and half of the master bedroom painted.
Grandma Judy will be right across the street, and Adro's uncle Mike will be right next door. A good place for the Jones Family to be.
I love the house we're in now, but it'll be great to get in this new house... it's bigger, has a basement, an extra bathroom... it'll be a good, welcomed change.
Be prepared for me to be asking you for help moving in a few months.
Seth, if I can help, I will.
Halftime, baby...
Why thanks Seth, yes, it is a nice truck.
Wha? Help you move? Alright, but my standard rate of pizza and beer still applies...and don't I get some kind of pre-move credit for moving that damn couch? Sheesh...
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