Wednesday, August 14, 2019

First day of school, 2019

Everyone was happy. Even the random bald guy in the background.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

First day of school!

Is tomorrow morning! What happened to summer?

Here's a photo from our first day of school... from 2017 (with me in it) and 2016 (with Adro in it).

I'll have new photos soon...

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Head in the sand

Quick Boyd story:

I didn't plan on coaching his soccer team this fall. Too much going on with work. I told him I couldn't coach, he was A-OK with that.

Rec league emailed me asking if I could coach, they're in need... I said sure, I'd like to, but just understand that I'm traveling a lot, etc. They said cool.

So this afternoon I walked into Boyd's room. I told him I knew who his soccer coach is, would he like to know? He perked right up.

"I'll give you a hint: he's good looking...

"Kind of tall...

"He's a really great soccer coach..."

Boyd smiled real big and said, "That sounds like Seth Jones!"

Good job, Boyd. I really expected you to say someone else...!