Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Phone tag with Sis

I talked to my sister for an hour this evening. When was the last time you did that -- talked to a sibling for an hour? It was good to catch up. I'd rather have done it over a beer, but the phone call is just so much easier when you both have kids.

I never know when to call my sister. Evey stays up pretty late, typically, but Sis's kids get to bed at a decent hour, so I don't like to call too late.

Last night I called her cell phone around 8 p.m. and left her a message, something like this:

"Hey Sis, it's your brother. Haven't talked to you in a while, so I wanted to check in. I hope you're not too bummed about the Jayhawks still... just remember, we still have 2008. Anyway, I love ya, call me when you get a chance... bye."

This morning, I got up, and I had a cell phone message from my sister. "Cool, she called me back," I thought. Then I listened to the message, left for me an hour-and-a-half after I left my message.

It went something like this:

"Hey Seth, it's Jess... haven't talked with you in a while so I wanted to check in. I hope you're not still too mad about the Jayhawks... but I was pretty mad myself... in fact, I didn't even want to talk about it for a few days... but I'm over it now. Anyway, I love you, call me when you get a chance, OK? Bye!"

I was like... "Whoa!" We left virtually the same message for each other, 90 minutes apart. Crazy, huh?

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