Sunday, August 22, 2010

F (for FORGET) the garage sale!

What an unexpectedly great weekend I had. I had almost nothing planned... and the one thing I had planned I didn't want to do.

So me and my wife made a spur-of-the-moment decision to not do the one thing we didn't want to (go sell our leftover crap at the company garage sale) and instead have FUN. And we had a ton of fun... Adro even told me she decided that we were out celebrating her birthday, because we had so much fun! (Her birthday is in two weeks, but we'll have a lot of friends/family in town, as well as the Laugh Olympics, so often times her birthday is competing with guests in town, me being drunk, etc.)

I also got some writing done this weekend. That felt good. Some of it was specifically for the blog, so I'll post some of those ramblings this week.

I re-arranged my man-cave (it's official name is the Shadow Gallery), and I'm loving hanging out down here! Plus, I got my wireless internet up again, so I'm blogging from the Shadow Gallery right now, listening to music, sipping on a cold beer... life is good my friends.

The included photos is of me and Marlan at the Cubs game two weeks ago, and Evey and Adro's matching toes. Evey was so excited that she had painted toenails, and that her mom's matched hers... Evey's knee is just about healed already, btw, so she's doing good.

Speaking of Evey -- the namesake of this blog (I'm so narcissistic, but Evey cannot type, nor spell, yet, so for now you're stuck with me), Evey perhaps had the best weekend of any of us Joneses... check it out: on Friday night she went to hang with her friend Julian at Steph's Tupperware party (while Adro and Judy spent $$$ on Tupperware); on Saturday morning, like me, she got out of the work garage sale, and instead went to the Busker (what?) Fest in downtown Lawrence with Grandma Judy, then went out to the farm; on Sunday she went to church then shopping, afterwards her cousins Jett and Marina came over to visit her at her house!

I'm sad this weekend is over but I can't complain.

So, are you wondering what was so much fun about my Saturday?

I told Adrianne this today: my favorite moment of the weekend was Friday night, when she and Evey got back home from the Tupperware party. Me and Bart were hanging out. Adro grabbed a beer and sat down with us. "What would you think," she asked me, "if we skipped the garage sale and instead went to the casino?"

That was music to my ears. "HELL YES!" I shouted. We just weren't prepared for the garage sale (I was dreading it but didn't want to admit it), and we've been wanting to get to the casino to have fun.

So here's my brilliant moment of the weekend: I'm at the casino, rum and coke in hand, it's 2:30 in the afternoon. The USA-Lithuania basketball game was on the big screen. I had my iPod earphones in. And I'm playing video poker.



Unknown said...

Is that my fron yard in the background?

Unknown said...

FRONT yard.

mar said...

I'm reading through your blog, trying to get caught up, then I see a picture of myself. Imagine my surprise! (No, really, imagine it. My face looked a lot like it did there.)