Thursday, July 1, 2010

Dad, can we get that?

Tonight's post is a quick one because i've been playing magazine journalist on-and-off since 9 a.m. this morning...

I'm tucking Evey and Adro in bed (they typically go to bed together if i'm staying up late) and Adro has QVC on the bedroom TV.

The product this evening was some type of seasoning dispenser... Like a black pepper grinder but for all the different spices.

Or, as i like to call it, "junk."

So Evey asks me, "Dad, what's that?"

"that's junk, Evey," i inform her.

Adro adds her two cents.

"that's made by (name), the same guy who made (useless kitchen product that we own)!!!"

"junk," i repeat.

Evey looks at it as i'm trying to give her her goodnight kiss.

"Dad?" she says. "Can we buy that?"

Someone help me, there's TWO OF THEM now.


I wrote the skeleton... Or a first draft, at least... Of what will be the August cover story for my magazine. I wrote about 3,000 words... And feel pretty good about the story. I hope i don't ever take these moments for granted. That story will eventually get printed 25,000 times and be shipped to 80 different countries. I hope i do this story justice. Because these are the days -- when i get to be a real magazine writer -- that my job is just awesome.

I'll post the story when it's published in august.

Sent from my Windows Mobile® phone.

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