Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Snakes and bees

I bit my tongue at dinner the other day, made the "oof!" sound and Evey asked what was wrong. "I bit my tongue," I said. She laughed and said, "Daddy, watch where you're going."


While I was in San Diego for Comic-Con (and yes, I was at Comic-Con, and I'm amazed at how many people care about this nerd-fest... I'll have to give you a run-down/update on things I saw there soon, OK?) Evey kept telling me to "Be careful for the snakes and bees... if you see a snake or a bee, run to the park and get on the slide, OK?" Every time I'd call home, I'd hear this same rant about snakes and bees. I don't know what this is all about.


Lastly, since I'm making fun of my sweet, beautiful little girl... let the record show that this blog is NOT just telling you about all the brilliant things she does, but also some of the not-so-smart things she does... for example, though she is good at puzzles, at age 3.5 years, she has no concept for the flat parts of the puzzle being a part of the border. She's working on Toy Story 3 puzzles... pretty good at them... except she won't hesitate to try a jagged piece on the border.

I told Adrianne, "She gets this from her Dad," because I'm terrible at puzzles. Then I tried to put in a piece, and it was blatantly wrong, making Adro laugh at me. "She does get it from you!"

I just bit my tongue. Literally.


Photos this post are from South Texas, Adro loved this donut shop when she was a kid. I'm not a huge donut eater, but I do agree that this place was pretty good. As you can see, Evey enjoyed it as well.

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