Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Eat the salted peanuts out the can!

I was driving home tonight, and on KJHK (the local college station) they played a cover of War's "Cisco Kid" by a band called School House Funk. Pretty solid version, although it lacked the appropriate "Huh-HUH!" moment.

For the record, if something terrible happens to me any time soon, I'd like this song played at my funeral.

And everyone can debate who the Cisco Kid was in my life.

Tonight, Cisco was my friend Neuty.

We killed a couple schooners at Louise's West. Not an inordinate amount, just enough to see how each other's family was doing... enough to argue which golfer had more potential on the PGA Tour... enough schooners to recall the drunken float trip we had in Oklahoma...

So, at my funeral, play this brilliant song. Everyone fill in the "Huh-HUH!" part. And everyone envision themselves as my Cisco Kid.

That's what's brilliant about this song. None of us were friends with Cisco Kid. But we all have a friend who is a partner in crime... who has your back, even when you're in the wrong... and that person is my Cisco Kid.

And I'm happy that the Cisco Kid... was a friend of mine.

Abasolo, it's up to you to figure out who this "School Yard Funk" band is with their cover of Cisco Kid... I Google'd it with no luck.



StarandSnip said...

wow, that was a cool video of "Cisco Kid"! I think I'm going to have to find it on itunes! Have a great day!

Neuty and Trish said...

Hey, enjoyed it too man. Good times!