Monday, October 15, 2007

What do you think this animal is?

He lives next door.

At first, I thought he was a stubby raccoon. But then we heard rumors of a beaver living next door.

But we don't live that close to the river... do we? Don't beavers want to be near the river?

But I look at him, and I think... yeah... that's a beaver! Isn't it?

Whatever he is, he lives next door at the condemned house, next to Charlie's. He's a pretty good neighbor for the most part, but he borrowed my hedge clippers a month ago and still hasn't returned them.

His name is Wally.


Seth said...

OK, Judy thinks it's a groundhog... and I'm thinking I like that answer. So I'm going with a groundhog now. Definitely more weasely lookin' than a beaver.

Jessica said...

Definitely a groundhog. Beavers have big flat tails...