Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Well thought out twinkles (or, Ode to OJ)


I'm on day two of VACATION, baby! Day one was AWESOME!!!

Here's what day two has been like so far:

6:30 a.m. -- Evey wakes me up. I am mildly hungover from last night's Dredg concert

6:45 a.m. -- Evey and I make an agreement, she will stop poking me in the head and harassing me if I get her a bottle of milk.

7:15 a.m. -- Evey breaks said agreement and pokes me in the head again, wanting me to watch whatever cartoon is on with her

7:30 a.m. -- In a masterstroke, I put on Bee Movie to buy myself an extra 20 minutes of sleep time. "Box kite!"

9 a.m. -- Evey is dressed, I'm dressed enough to walk outdoors. I take Evey to Elvira's.

9:15 a.m. -- Casually check my normal web surfing -- ESPN, CNN, LJWorld, Yahoo fantasy basketball. 29, 6, 11 and 6 for Chris Paul last night. I love that guy.

9:30 a.m. -- I work a little harder at perfecting the three-egg, three-cheese omelette. I'm getting close.

9:45 a.m. -- Omelette, toast, OJ, and the new issue of Esquire at the kitchen table. This is awesome.

9:52 a.m. -- I decide that I love OJ so much, I will take its photograph, and someday pen the essay, "Ode to OJ"

10 a.m. -- Shower, shave.

10:15 a.m. -- Make lunch plans with my smokin' hot wife.

10:30 a.m. -- Throw green "Sgt. Rock" T-shirt in dryer for pseudo-ironing process. It still resides in dryer 45 minutes later.

10:37 a.m. -- While putting away the dishes, I scream out, "YOU ARE NOT A HUMAN, YOU ARE A ROBOT!!!" Just in case any delusional robots are in my kitchen. I suspect the dishwasher the most.

10:51 a.m. -- realize I haven't blogged in a while, start blogging.

11:09 a.m. -- I just wrote that above sentence. I've seen better.


11:35 -- lunch with aforementioned smokin' hot wife

12:10 -- Stop by and see Copy Jesus, scan first 15 pencilled pages of "What Would Jacko Do?"

12:35 -- On the road to KC for the SILVERSUN PICKUPS SHOW

1:15 -- My first green beer is purchased. The sun is shining, and I smell fresh.

2 p.m. -- Von Bondies

3:15 p.m. -- Dead Confederate

4:30 -- Silversun Pickups take the stage, I shout a slightly girlish, "Whooooooo!"

If you've read this far, you should know this:

Only two people have emailed me with any thoughts, suggestions, etc. on this blog. Please, shoot me an email and let me know what you think. We're almost at post 500, people!!!

The results on the best photo contest are almost in. I've decided to put up a "best video" poll next. Be prepared.

OJ, I love you.

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