Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Best video?

I've posted a few videos here. A few music videos, some TV show promos, etc.

But I've also posted several videos of Evey doing random acts of cuteness. These are my five favorites. Which is the best? Vote in the poll at right!

Evey sings "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" in New Orleans.

Adro's Advice, episode 2, where Adro and Evey share vacuuming chores.

Evey chats with mom and dad, hears a train, puts bowl on head.

Evey rocks out to some Henry Rollins. Get some!

Evey takes her first steps, Dec. 2007.


Eddie said...

It's hard not to vote for Evey's first steps, being able to capture that on video and the wife's excitement...but of course I went with Rollins.

Neuty and Trish said...

It's gotta be the Walking one. I remember when you first posted it and how it made me smile and tear up a little with excitement. Thank you so much for letting us be a part of your lives. I can't wait to catch Bella's first steps on film and post it. How great to watch our girls grow together