Sunday, December 21, 2008

The girls just got here

Back from church/Target. Evey's sleepin'.

I won't be able to watch any of the games that have significance to my team because of the games that are being televised, I don't have many players in those games. (That sentence really should be re-written, but I'm live-blogging, dammit.)

I'll watch the Chiefs though, and see how Thigpen does. Of course I'm rooting for the Chiefs, but I hope Thigpen has a modest day at QB, since I chose not to play him. It's just so cold/windy out that I think he'll have a tough game ahead of him.

Please don't throw for 3 TDs and 350+ yards, Thigpen...

(And if you do, can you please top that, Jeff Garcia?)

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