Monday, March 3, 2008

That's why the call him 'Big Poppa'!

Here's a photo I got on Saturday night of my dad ('Poppa' to the grandkids) and his three grandchildren -- Marina, Evelyn and Jett.
The kids are really drawn to my dad. It's cute. I didn't even set this photo up. Jett was already laying with my dad, then Marina came over, so he picked her up, then Evey came over, and put her head down on his chest.
Anyway... I promised a Roger Clemens post last week. Here it is.
I think Clemens juiced. I also think that no one should really care. And in 20 years from now, no one will care -- not even the governing bodies in baseball.
I met Clemens (you knew that was coming). He's a giant. His forearms are freakishly big. Seemed like an OK guy.
What I want to know is, why does the government care about steroids in sports? Isn't there anything else going on right now? How many troops died in Iraq today? How many meth labs franchised today? How many kids didn't have P.E. class?
You know what I think this is? It's modern day McCarthyism. Instead of chasing after commies, they're chasing after juicers. And the nation is enthralled with the story.
In the future, there will be so many ways to sneak 'roids through your system, they'll just have to open it up anyway. It's an even playing field if they all juice, right?
And Sam Gonzales' 182nd home run of the 2021 season sure will be exciting.
We don't realize it yet, but we're in the golden age of steroids. While they're reviled today, Barry Bonds will be known as a chemical pioneer to his baseball brethren of the future. They'll say he had the courage to juice. He broke down the barriers! They'll call it the Bonds Act -- the day they forgave everyone for juicing and opened up the record books to juicers and non-juicers alike.
Cue the patriotic music. God bless the U.S.A.!
Now... how the hell do we get out of Iraq? And does Evey get to play in P.E. class when she gets to school? How about recess -- will they still have that?

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