Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter ramblings

Hmmm... Easter.

Well, it was early this year. Really early.

Easter's kind of a spooky holiday. Maybe if you're better educated about it, it isn't so scary. In my mind: a little creepy.

OK, so we're either celebrating the first (and only, so far as we know) time someone came back from the dead... which is cool, because it was JC that came back, and not someone like Strom Thurmond (he's dead, right?).

To little kids, I'm going to say resurrection is creepy. Just a guess.

OK, so let's make it about a rabbit that lays eggs.

Isn't that kind of creepy too?

Christmas -- we have this lovely Santa Claus spreading toys around the world. Thanksgiving -- we have this image of pilgrims and Indians momentarily not killing each other. Fourth of July -- well, we blow stuff up, because that's the American way (sorry Iraq).

Easter... bunny.

Well, chocolate is involved. We can agree that that is good.

Do we get gifts? Little kids do. So at least they're on board with a resurrection. Heck, it could be an insurrection, give them pastel coated gifts, and it's all good. Viva la revolucion, daddy.

So what am I really trying to say?

I hope you had a wonderful and not-at-all-creepy Easter. I know I did. And so did Evey.

Thank you for suffering a fool with a keyboard. Good night.

(Photo attached: Evey in what was probably her Easter Sunday outfit... I'll share actual photos down the road, once they're downloaded.)


tsweeten said...

You know, I've never understood the whole getting presents for Easter thing. I never got presents as a kid for Easter (I don't qualify a half pound of chocolate in the shape of a rabbit a present) and it always perplexed me when I would see other kids come to school showing off their Easter gifts. And I never quite figured out how we got from Jesus' rising from the grave to little fluffy bunnys laying eggs. I just don't get that transition.

Eddie said...

And bunnies don't lay eggs!!