Friday, March 7, 2008

Scan the man

I'm playing with my new scanner/copier/photo printer/printer.
Appropriate that I'm listening to the Beastie Boys' Paul's Boutique right now... because it was Greg Nunn who gave me this idea that I needed a scanner.

From top to bottom -- me and my dad, January 1978 (those are toy glasses); me in NYC, January 2000; me and Greg at Horde Fest 97 (and the photo that inspired the need for the scanner); me and Adro at Stark's wedding, 2006; me walking down the hill, KU graduation 2001 (that Bauer and Anne right behind me).


Commodore Lerve said...

Easy beefcake, put the shirt back on!

I forget that the printer I have with the bank has a scanner. There are a lot of things I'd like to make digital (birth certificate, etc.) and that would do it. Enjoy the scanner my friend!

G.Nunn said...

Nice pictures. How is your battle with Lord Voldemort going?

CJ said...

Jeez.. what were you, like 15 in NYC? And is that the WTC in the background? It's hard to see unless you zoom in. Man does time fly...

Seth said...

Lerv: Hey man, I was young and still skinny. I'm glad I enjoyed those days while I could. Now, women and children run screaming when the shirt comes off, so it has to remain on. (Though I'm trying to make a comeback to non-scary days)

Nunn: I'm proud of the fact that I had no idea who Lord Voldermort was. At first, I thought it must have been a Lord of the Rings joke, and that maybe you were referring to yourself as one of the Hobbits to my Aragorn? I don't know. I googled it, and now I got it -- Harry Potter and the glasses I'm wearing. Ha ha. Those are Mr. Magoo glasses, sucka.

CJ: The NYC photo was taken in January 2000, so I would have been 22! I was up there doing an internship for Wizard magazine. And yeah, it's hard to see, but the WTC are right behind me.