Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Because "stairway to heaven" didn't occur to me

Evey's been asking about my Dad a lot lately. That's sweet, and it makes me happy that she hasn't forgotten him, and that she still misses him. It's tough, too, because it really makes me miss him and sad, at the same time.

Last night Evey was dinking around my new home office right next to me. I was working late, so I was doing my best not to ignore her. And then, out of nowhere, she asked me, "Daddy, how did Papa walk to heaven?"

I was stunned. I just sort of looked at her and asked her to clarify. But she said what she meant.

"Papa. How did he walk to heaven? How did he know how to get there?"

I turned to her, thought about it. I told her that Papa went to sleep and then woke up in heaven. That it's kind of like a dream. And that's how he got there.

"I hope I sleep and dream about Papa because I really miss him. I wish he'd come out of heaven to come see me."


"Me too, Evey."

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