Sunday, October 10, 2010

Go fly a kite

A couple weeks ago we flew a kite with Evey across the street (there's a big empty lot). I think all three of us had fun... I'm looking forward to the next day when there's perfect conditions to do it again. It was the first time I had flown a kite since the kite-ditch incident of 1991...

In 1991, my sister Jessica was going to KU. I had recently broken my arm playing basketball. Me, my mom and my dad came up to visit Jess in Lawrence. I was a little depressed, having this broken arm (which I suffered in embarrassing fashion and in front of a crowd) and this itchy cast I was going to have to endure for six to eight weeks.

We decided to fly a kite at the soccer fields at 23rd and Iowa. We were having a good time, just doing the family thing. I was 14, my sister was 21. My sister and I have always been best of friends, so it was good getting to hang out with her.

The kite got away from us. Me and Jess were running after it, and were relieved it didn't go into traffic -- it crashed just short of Iowa St. The fields were a little wet... there's a little ditch right there... I went to jump over it to get to the kite... I cleared the ditch, but my feet landed in slippery mud. My feet went out from under me, and SPLAT. I used my arm with the cast to catch myself, which was obviously not smart. I didn't hurt myself, but I had an inch of mud all over this cast, which was going to stink enough all on its own.

So, yeah. Happy memories of flying a kite.

This time, no problem flying the kite. No mud, no broken arms. Just a little whining when it was time to go inside for dinner.


Commodore Lerve said...

My coolest memory of that cast was didn't you get Barry Sanders to sign it? I thought you were a cool dude for that aspect of it.

Youngest sis always says the embarrassing moments make for the best stories.

Seth said...

Yeah, I did get Barry Sanders to sign my cast. I still have the piece he signed, too.

It was technically the second cast they put on me for that break. That's a story too, I suppose...

Thanks for your $5 donation, Lerv!

Seth said...

Yeah, I did get Barry Sanders to sign my cast. I still have the piece he signed, too.

It was technically the second cast they put on me for that break. That's a story too, I suppose...

Thanks for your $5 donation, Lerv!