Thursday, October 14, 2010

Friday O'POMP: what can brown do for Seth?

Email sent to my coworkers, 10/13/10:

Attention people of Earth,

Do not be alarmed by the brown-haired man sitting in my office tomorrow. That's me. In character.

Y'see, we're making another movie this weekend. I've somehow been cast as "the son." The problem? I look older than "the dad." Hence, the dye job my wife will be performing on me tonight.

Hopefully this will peel about 10 years off my appearance... so I only look 40.


"The son"


Commodore Lerve said...

Looks pretty dang good Jones! Remember, if nothing else, unlike me, at least you have hair to dye!

Brent Fry said...

It will definitely make the team we play tomorrow night think you are the 21 year old version of Jones.