Monday, June 7, 2010

Speaking of cousins...

Evey has a new cousin!

His name is Dexter Wolfgang and he's the son of Brent and Rosalina. He was born in late April, I believe, and we got to meet him on Mother's Day. Evey's a big fan of her new cousin!

Here are photos of the proud Mom with her baby boy and Virginia with her second great-grandchild. Congrats, Brent and Rosalina!

A couple of Evey developmental tidbits...

We took Evey in her for 3-year checkup recently. The doctor seemed happy with the way Evey is growing (Though honestly, she's not easy to read... I think I could have brought Tyra Banks into the doctor's office and told the doctor, "This is my 3-year-old," and she would still show no emotion). But Evey measured in the 75th percentile on weight, and the 92nd percentile on height. So she's a big girl, growing fast. At this rate, she'll be 11 feet tall by the time she's 20. (And the doctor won't raise an eyebrow.)

Also, today Adro wore a "Livestrong" T-shirt. Evey saw it, and pointed to each letter and spelled it back correctly... "L-I-V-E-S-T-R-O-N-G."

And so I'm not being totally FoxNews and reporting only one side of the story, she also warned me to be careful at the volleyball court today because "the worms might get you."

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