Monday, November 8, 2010

Recycle this!

Editor's note: I wrote this a week or two ago, when I was exceptionally drunk.

SO, a harsh realization may have come up recently.

This harsh realization has to do with TUBE TVs.... yeah, TUBE TVs.

So, I'm pretty new to the flat screen world. I can actually remember when the first flat-screen came into my home. It was... a good day.

But what about these old tube TVs?

I remember at our last garage sale I tried to sell a tube TV... maybe a 20-inch?

I had it out, with the price tag of $20. Why not? This TV could potentially be the perfect piece for somebody.

One garage saler told me, "I tried selling a TV that was bigger, for half the price, and it didn't move." Uh-oh.

So, yeah.... that TV is still in my garage.

A week ago (why did I choose such a long-winded post today?!?) my MIL (mother-in-law) was at my house, and I was trying to convince her to hang with us. "Oh!" she said, "I need to go to Free State to recycle the old TV in my car!" (speak this line in a M-I-L voice for complete accuracy.)

I told her, "Let me take care of it" (because I'm cool like that). She said, "OK." And then she said, "Let me give you $15..." and I think, "SCORE!" and then she says, "so you can recycle it."

And I said, "Hold up... you gotta pay $15... to recylce it?"


"Give me $10 and I'll throw it in the river for you!"

(In an exasperated voice,) "Seth, there is enough trash in the river already!"

"Ok, Ok... $5 and I'll chuck this in the river for you..."

She knew I was messing with her, but I think for a second she thought that I might actually go throw that TV in the river. So I promised her that I would deliver the TV to the recycle people... even though the thought of paying $15 to get rid of something just baffled me.

But you know what? The recycle center -- where you pay $ 15 per item??? Was PACKED.

So now, it occurs to me, that rather than selling my shitty TV for $20, I most likely have to pay someone $15 to take it away from me!!!

Unless they wanna take it to the river....


tsweeten said...

Hmmm, maybe tossing old TV's in the river was what Seven Mary Three was singing about....

Unknown said...

seriously, I would keep it. Or I will buy it from you. Do you imagine yourself buying a $150 flat screen TV for your kids room? Or do you see yourself keeping your old Cathoderaytube tv and letting them watch it until it goes blank and they move out for college the next month?

Seth said...

"I can't, go down to the water's edge!"

You're right, Solo, this TV will fit nicely in Evey's room when she gets old enough to have a TV in her room.

But the only problem is I have three of these TVs...

Although one is older, and will surely burn out before too much longer.

Neuty and Trish said...

I think you can also take them to Best Buy. I think they charge you something, but then give you a gift card for the same amount? Something like was a while back.