Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Labor Day Weekend

We had a great Labor Day weekend… me and Adro saw “Inception,” we hit Shelly’s wedding reception and I hosted the 9th annual John Wake Laugh Olympics. Had a lot of friends in town, a lot of drinks were consumed… good times.


The girls baked cookies tonight. I have a running joke with Evey that I’m going to eat all the cookies, and she warns me that I can’t, or else I’ll get sick. I tell Evey I’m going to put 10 cookies in my boca (mouth) and she freaks out, “No, Dad, you can’t eat 10 cookies or you’ll get sick!” It’s like an auction except she’s trying to bid me down so she can have more cookies. Evey finally settled on four cookies – that was acceptable, and would not make me sick.


Mmmm, cookies…


(This photo is from our trip to St. Louis back in 2009.)

1 comment:

Jason Arnett said...

So did you like Inception?