Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Evey at dance class

Evey is taking a dance class down the street from our house at Amanda's Dance Academy (or somesuch). Evey LOVES IT.

We started her off in the easiest class, called "tumbling." there was a higher class for girls her age and older called "ballet" but that sounded a little difficult... If she has the dance moves of her mom and dad, all the other kids would laugh at her, we figured.

We brought Evey to her first session, and she was the only child registered in the class. So it was essentially a 30-minute private lesson, right? We were unintentionally training the next child dance prodigy.

But then we'd leave, and there'd be 8 little girls around her age waiting to go into the next class, ballet. Evey didn't understand -- why couldn't she dance with the little girls, why was she in a class by herself, she wanted to know.

Me and Adro decided we'd drop the tumbling and let her dance with the girls in ballet. It's great that she wants to dance with other kids. We shouldn't sequester her.

Wait, wait... Evey just learned how to do a forward roll! Awesome! (i'm typing this on my phone while Evey is in dance class.)

Then we told Judy about the class situation. She had a forward-thinking view on it, a view of a true grandma... Why not have Evey take BOTH classes? Grandma Judy volunteered to help out with the additional cost.

So now our dance prodigy is in back-to-back dance classes.

And guess what? Dancing genes must just skip every other generation... Because Evey's a graceful dancer. We should have known this. She loves to dance at home. It's probably her second favorite thing, behind movies.

So next time you see her, ask her to show you some new moves! The girl's got skills!

Sent from my Windows Mobile® phone.

1 comment:

Marlan Harris said...

One day Evey and Racheal will be making zines about ballet. "That band sucks." "My dad loves that band." "Who knew the Airborne Toxic Event would last for so long?"