Sunday, October 18, 2009


There's a new poll to the right of this post. My question is, basically, "How do you like your fries?" I'm praying that I won't be asking that question professionally anytime soon...

Rough weekend. And not just because of the KU game or because I had to garbage disposal three of my top 10 gross items to garbage disposal (coffee grounds, cold gravy and curdled milk).

No, it's because I've got pneumonia.


I've had to call in sick the last two days. Called in sick again for this Monday. I'm going back to the doc to see how this is progressing. He told me I should feel significantly better by Monday. I think that being unable to take deep breaths precludes me from the "significantly better" category. We'll see.

But, yeah, pneumonia. Now I'm that guy. That guy who was sick for a while, and everyone warned, "Don't come down with pneumonia, man."

Well, I tried not to. But I guess I didn't try hard enough. Doc said this isn't walking pneumonia, but it's not the kind of pneumonia that's going to hospitalize or kill me, either. So at least I was able to half-ass pneumonia. Doc gave me a 7-day antibiotic. I'm on day four.

Anyway. Not much else to report. I've been staring at the walls of my house for four days straight. Starting to get stir-crazy.

Photo is of Evelyn Jones putting some of my comics (DC comics letters A through C, specifically) to some good use. As a step stool.

Email me home remedies for pneumonia. And don't forget to tell me how you like your fries.

1 comment:

Jason Arnett said...

See, I used to take umbrage at that question, "Do you want fries with that?", until I came to terms with how many people eat food prepared by someone else. It if weren't for people like me in the food industry (which deserves more respect than it gets and everyone knows it) millions would go hungry. As it is, they're just fat. And getting fatter.

If more people cooked for themselves, we wouldn't need four McDonald's two BKs, three Taco John's, etc... in a town our size. And the food might be better, too.

Anyway, I like my fries with a lot of salt from the fast food joints because I don't eat there but about half a dozen times a year any more. Otherwise, lightly salted.