Sunday, April 13, 2008

KU's championship parade

We all went down to Mass Street to enjoy the parade honoring our 2008 National Champion Kansas Jayhawks. A pretty good time!
Judy nabbed a parking spot in the ghetto Dillon's parking lot. It was a great spot, but we didn't know it came with a catch: the band and cheerleaders all bailed off of the parade route a few blocks earlier.
It's just not a parade without a band! C'mon, Lew Perkins, give me a break!
We still had a great time, and afterwards, we had the family over for dinner... an impromptu dinner, but one that we pulled off quite well, I'm happy to say.
I'm back in town now -- back from the Masters and the Kraft Nabisco, two golf majors in two weeks. Expect more regular blogging now that I'm back. And expect a long, exhaustive post about what it feels like to finally win the championship! Feel free to skip it if you're a non-Jayhawk, you wouldn't understand!


route56 said...
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route56 said...

Let's try this again :)...

I was up the street at Central. The band was still there at my location. I didn't see where they would have "pulled out" between 14th and 18th.

Seth said...

Somewhere between you and me, Richie, the band bolted. Because our leg of the parade was missing them.

I did catch them on TV though, and yeah, that's what I imagine a parade to look like!