Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Cute things going on right... now

Something I'm not doing enough is writing about what Evey is doing right at this very moment. Photos of Evey at this moment, yes, but descriptions of what she's doing? Sorely lacking. (This was determined by a blind readership survey I conducted in March 2008.) ((Not really.))
So, Evey likes to try to make us laugh. She's been tickling our toes for a long time. A more recent attempt at humor is her fake sleeping. We'll mention bedtime, or ask if she's sleepy, whatever, and she'll quickly put her head down and make loud snoring noises. Where does she learn these snoring noises? No idea.
She loves to dance. If a commercial comes on with music, she'll start shaking her hips. She's a decent dancer, evidently that's an every-other-generation trait. When we're walking downtown, when we pass that eyeglasses store on the east side of the 700 block of Mass Street, Evey will start dancing (they have music piped outside). I'm convinced we need an XM stereo receiver on our stroller so Evey could bee-bop all the way to wherever we're walking to.
She sings, "shake shake shake!" Apparently Grandma Judy taught her that one. I think it comes from diaper changes and the baby powder. Judy sings, "Shake shake shake!" from whatever that disco song is. Now Evey sings it at random times.
Her favorite word is still "ball." She even points at golf on TV, when the ball is rolling on the green, and shouts, "Ball!" Or she'll point at my 2008 Basketball National Champions T-shirt and point to the ball. "Ball!"
I need to clarify a joke I'm making to people, another joke that no one is getting. So allow me to explain. I explained it to my sister tonight, and now she gets where I'm coming from. Time to bring the rest of you up to speed.
When I see a fellow Jayhawk that I know is a huge basketball fan, that I know has been there through everything with me (Arizona, Syracuse, you know), I'll greet them with something like this: Hey, congratulations. I heard your Kansas Jayhawks are the 2008 NATIONAL COLLEGE BASKETBALL CHAMPIONS... You must be very, very proud.
And I get these blank looks. Apparently these people are confused. "I thought Jones was a KU fan as well," they must be thinking to themselves. And then I'll quickly back pedal to cater to their confusion: We did it, it's awesome, isn't it? (While the person asks themself, 'What is Jones smoking?')
But what I'm getting at is this -- I want to be greeted like that now. Whenever I see anyone, Jayhawk, Tiger, Wildcat, Terrapin, Buckeye, I want them to say, "Hey, Seth -- congrats to you and your Jayhawk nation, buddy. You're better than all of us (Or, 'We're better than everyone else' for fellow Jayhawks.)"
So I guess it's too late, I've confused enough people with this way of speaking that I'll let it go. BUT, if you still want to greet me as such, it'd sure make my day.


Neuty and Trish said...


1) For as musically "advanced" as you seem to be to me, you're not nearly as cultured as I imagined! The "shake, shake, shake" comes form KC and The Sunshine Band's hit "Shake Your Booty." Being a dad, Jones, means you have to open your musical tastes.

2) Your explanation of your "joke" leaves me even more confused than before...

route56 said...

So, if Evey is already starting to dance, does this mean we have a future Crimson Girl/Rock Chalk Dancer/whatever KU decides to call them in 20 years. :)

Seth said...

Paula Creamer once had a choice: travel and play in a golf tournament, or stay home and cheer at the varsity basketball game. She couldn't make up her mind which to do.

So her father asked her, "Which would you rather do... stay here and cheer for someone else... or go somewhere, and have people cheer for YOU?"

Monster Monkey said...

All very well and good...

I remember when my little girl was dancing and singing to obscure songs from times long gone....now she's passing exams for her FREAKIN LICENSE! That's what I said- she'll be driving now...she still has conditions on her license and she doesn't take her actual driving course test for another year (a great thing about Canada)but still....driving....
Congratulations, Mr Jones- you're a LameHawks fan...you are lame- way to go, man!!!