Wednesday, November 13, 2013

How 'bout them apples?

Really thought KU would lose to Duke by 15 tonight, based on the preseason.

And thanks to the Tweeters tonight (Jason, Lerv, Carrie) who agreed/told me I called it when I said Perry Ellis would be the talk of the game. Good stuff. Nice win. Perry Ellis is playing GREAT.

SO... what else is new?

Kids are doing great. Boyd gets tired, he gets grumpy, FAST. Evey is scorching her spelling tests.

Momma is busy at work, but doing well.

I've added a new staffer (arguably two) to my team at work, and it's helping. Not as busy as I was three weeks ago.

May or may not have been asked to MC an event in West Palm. Should could be fun.

Camaro posted to Craigs List. No emails yet.

And at this moment I am happy. HAPPY.

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