Thursday, June 23, 2011


Here are some more weather photos from southern Missouri the other day. At one point I did start videotaping because I thought the clouds were about to drop... thankfully that didn't happen.

Evey is starting to read everything around her. Today she tried reading the random French wine posters we have in our dining room. She did pretty well sounding things out phonetically, sadly, there was no reward for her because the words were nonsense to her (and me.) But it's cool to see her mind trying to arrange the letters correctly.

I got a nice voicemail from my pal Damon yesterday. We're playing phone tag right now, but I'm flattered that he still checks Evey's blog. Hopefully he makes it down for the Laugh Olympics in September... I'm sure he will, he's been a long-time supporter of the event, and this year will mark the 10th anniversary. Plus, he is living in the states now, which will make his flight easier.

And the coolest letter we've received recently was right before I left for the U.S. Open -- my cousin Melissa sent Evey a "congrats" card on the news that she would be a big sister... also included was a $25 gift certificate to Applebee's, with a note saying, "Take you mom and dad out to dinner!" Very sweet, very nice. Hopefully Evey follows the directions and does indeed take us out!

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