Thursday, February 25, 2010

I fought piranhas

If I wasn't doing White Stripes song titles this month, this one would have been titled, "Seth choked by Chicken."

I did TV interviews in San Diego this year. I got better as the week went on. I'm not trained as a broadcast journalist, so I had to learn to fake it quickly. I did OK.

This "interview" with the San Diego Chicken was probably the most fun... but they were all fun, in a nerve-wracking way.

I showed this clip to Evey and she liked it and disliked it at the same time. She liked seeing me with the Chicken, she didn't like seeing Daddy getting choked by the chicken. Her exact words were, "Daddy, why is he giving you suplex?"

Backstory: I give Evey "suplexes" when we're being silly. Lervik will correct me, but my version of a suplex is when one person picks up the other, lifts them straight up in the air, then falls backwards on to the mat.

Yes, I do this to Evey. But I'm careful about it. I drop her on the bed, and I always hold her head up as I throw her down, so she lands on her back or butt, not on her neck.

Anyway, I had to explain that the Chicken was really Daddy's friend, but they were just having fun, like when Daddy does suplexes to Evey.

She frowned... then said, "Watch it again!"

We had to watch it five, six times. Each time she was a little pissed at the Chicken. Yet each time she wanted to see it again.


Commodore Lerve said...

Jones, as the official WWE wrestling move guy, I can confirm you are correct with your suplex.

They just released my favorite "diva" Maria today. She'll be fine I'm sure, it's just with unemployment at 10%+ I feel like I should do something. I'm so helpless.

Okay, I'm back. See you Wednesday night dude. Hope Avatar was good!

Unknown said...

Umm... Im perplexed here. Is the chicken a male? If so, he can't lay eggs and would technically be a rooster? Isnt the correct? Not that I'm a poultry reproductive expert or anything...


Hendren said...

Seth choked by chicken?
Seth chokes his chicken?

Unknown said...
