Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Evey in her Pumas jersey

Thanks to those of you who have asked about my dad. An update -- he saw the doctor on Monday, they took him off the prescription they had him on. Also, he saw an optometrist, and they've corrected his prescription. Hopefully this combination helps him out with the headaches. The doctor also wanted to do a brain scan, but my dad thinks that will be delayed to see if this combo works out first. (Also, my dad is fearful the brain scan will reveal NO BRAIN. ...Sorry, Dad, I had to lighten this post up a little bit!)

Evey has has kept a toy cell phone in the Camaro the past couple days. She usually calls Grandma, or Mommy, or someone. Yesterday morning was a new one.

"Here dad, it's for you," Evey tells me.
"Who is it?" I ask, taking the phone from her.
"It's Daddy." she says.
"Hi Daddy, how are you?" I ask myself.
"You know what? You're one good lookin' dude," I continue, looking back at Evey. Evey stares back at me.
"I was really impressed with the dinner you cooked last night. Another A+ performance..."
"You know I have to tell you this... I love you, you conceited, egomaniacal jerk. I'll talk to you later."
I handed the phone back to Evey.
"I'll be glad when you're older and you 'get' daddy's jokes," I told her. "Your daddy is HILARIOUS..."

1 comment:

mar said...

This is both my favorite and least-favorite blog entry of yours out of all the blog I've read so far.