Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Was that a crawl?

A few thoughts while I watch the ugly end to this Nets/Cavs game...

  • Evey made an impressive attempt at crawling tonight. We'll need an official ruling, but she did 1) make forward progress and 2) she was on her stomach. A lot of pushing with the feet and grabbing with the hands. She's lacking a little power with her legs because she keeps them crossed when she's pushing. Soon, soon, we'll be crawling all over the place.

  • Adro and a few other people are saying that Evey is starting to look more and more like me. And you know what? She's STILL beautiful. A dichotomy, I know.

  • Evey discovered a new noise tonight. Let me see if I can master the onomatopoeia... "eeeYYYYeeeeaaaaaccccccchthththththththththt!" And then a smile and a giggle. Almost like she's in pain, but then a happy expression.

1 comment:

Commodore Lerve said...

So, do you and Adro have pictures you can post of yourself as babies, then we can see who looks like whom.