Sunday, July 17, 2011

Visit with Asher

We had a great time on Sunday hanging out with Asher and his big brother Grey. Evey even got a turn at holding Asher. She did a nice job, I know she's excited to hold her own baby brother here in a few months.

Evey didn't see me holding Asher, she was busy chasing Grey around with a Star Wars blaster. She told me after we got home, "Dad, you really should have held the baby, it was really fun."

I told her that we'd have a baby of our own in the house to hold all the time, and I'd probably get to hold him a lot here pretty soon.

Evey then told me the plan:

"Dad, you get to hold me while I hold the baby. ...Mom gets to hold Grey's brother."

So, hopefully Asher and the Heiman family are down for that plan, or else Adro is going to really feel left out.

I'll have photos of Asher and Adro posted, probably not 'til next week though...

1 comment:

Kendall said...

Asher been seriously cranky lately, so anyone that would like to hold him is more than welcome!