Sunday, February 1, 2009

One baby, one scotch, one beer

A few weeks ago Adro and a few of her girlfriends went to the movies to see something girly. What movie? I have no idea. I imagine Hugh Grant was in it, probably a character named Mr. Darcy, and I'm guessing there was a misunderstanding at the beginning of the movie that was touchingly resolved in the last ten minutes.

So Evey and I were left behind to take care of ourselves.

You know what that means: RICK'S PLACE!

Evey loves it at Rick's. Rick gives her cheesy poofs. She plays with the cue balls and the buttons on the shuffleboard table. There's usually a dog to play with. And after a while, Dad talks funny.

Don't worry, we walk to/from Rick's.


CJ said...

We used to go to the old Rick's on Vermont every Friday for a beer when the shop was just down the street, and Kyleigh went with. This was back when she was 2, she thought it was great fun. Now she's 16 and won't be seen in public with me...

G.Nunn said...

She's got the makings of a repeat J-Lo Champion. I say in her prime she might be the first female to win the men's trophy.