Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Explanation of previous post

Sorry for the lack of commentary on the previous post... I intended on going back and adding some details on Sunday night, then never got to it...

So, anyway, the first clip is taken from the new Esquire. The good news is, I'm not the most boring Seth Jones on the planet. Let's move on.

The comic book art is from El Diablo # 2. The art posted all out of order for me, sorry if that was a mess to read. The story is by Jai Nitz. I've mentioned Jai here before. I've known Jai for a long time now, probably ten years? Since before he was writing comics. I also work with his wife, Angela. I also know the art team on the book, Phil and Ande. So I know all these guys... and Jai threw my name in the book! How cool is that?!? Also notice that Bunny, who gets her head chopped off? That's the name of my boss. So we were both mentioned in Jai's comic. I saw him a few weeks ago, and I was like, "Dude, you killed me! ...THANK YOU!"

What's really shocking to me is how many times they say "SETH JONES." It's never, "Man, that dude killed Jones." It's, "Why would they do this to SETH JONES?" "I don't know, SETH JONES is a cool dude." "That's what I think of SETH JONES too!"


Jai told Angela that he used our names just because he liked them, but I think he was just giving a good ol' shout-out to his pal Jonesy. Thanks Jai, I appreciate it, man!

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