Sunday, October 26, 2008

The party is over

I had the last 10 days circled on my calendar for a few months now because those were the dates that Will and Lervik visited us.

Lervik flew back on Thursday; Will tomorrow.

What a whirlwind. We played bocce ball, shuffleboard, pool, video game bowling, real bowling... we went and saw the Toadies and People in Planes... we saw the Jayhawks lose two in a row... we consumed way too many beers (but never reaching the amount that we used to in our heyday)... it was a great 10 days or so.

Evey will ask us for "J.J. and Will" tomorrow, and we'll have to explain that "J.J" lives in Charlotte and Will lives in... Bangkok. "Next time I'll see you, Evey, you'll be four!" Will said to Evey as he left today. How's that for sad?

I thought I got absolutely no photos of the guys over the trip... for some reason, I kept leaving my camera at home. But then I checked just now, and I'm happy that I did get a few photos of us from last Monday night.

Those guys are like brothers to me. Always hard to see them go.

Happy trails, Lerv and Will.

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