Thursday, October 23, 2008

Bubble breaker bonus

I've been playing this damn "bubble breaker" game on my PDA for, what, a year now? And there's this "bubble breaker bonus" which I never ever get... I assume it's for breaking all the balls on the screen. Since I always leave several behind at the end of every game, I figure this bonus must be pretty good... I mean, I've NEVER (in like, 17,000 attempts) broken all the balls on the screen.

I usually score in the 500s or so. So the bonus for breaking all the balls? It's got to be like 1,000 points or something, right? I mean, at LEAST 1,000 points. But possibly as many as 10 million.

I just broke all the balls for the first time ever. Do you know what the bonus was? 100 freaking points. 100 FREAK-ING POINTS. DAMMIT. Oh, I'm so PISSED!

It's a good thing I'm going to see the Toadies tonight -- I have some anger right now.

100 points? GAAAAHHHH!!! Stupid freaking bubble breaker!!!


Commodore Lerve said...

Well, don't forget about the opening act...


Thanks boys for the great week, and ladies, thanks for the pumpkins, meals, crayons, books, balls, hugs and other fun times at the Jones house!

Nisha said...

Breaker Bonus

If you manage to leave fewer than five bubbles on the board you will be rewarded with more points at the conclusion of the game.