Monday, September 1, 2008

Who's laughing now?

This weekend was the 7th Annual John Wake Laugh Olympics. We had 61 people involved, and raised... over $7,000 for charity!!!

Thanks to everyone who helped out, showed up, donated, thought about us, exchanged a high-five, bought a raffle ticket, bought a beer, punched a punching bag, spilled a beer and threw up! (I think at least five people can claim to have accomplished all of the above!)

The day started off at Orchards Golf Course. From there, we went to Wayne and Larry's to punch a punching bag and see who could hit it the hardest (on a 1,000-point scale, as measured by a computer). After we all hurt our wrists by punching the bag too hard, we went and played pool. From there, the party bus took us all to Rick's Place, where we played pool, shuffleboard and darts while eating a huge meal donated by Lone Steer BBQ and Peking Taste.

And did I already mention -- over $7,000 for charity? Not bad for a day-long party, huh?

You can check out for more information eventually. For now, I'll post some photos here.

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