Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Batman 20 years ago

So. "The Dark Knight" comes out today (Thursday), midnight.

I have my doubts. The motorcycle on the movie poster, for example. Looks weird. And do you remember in "Batman Begins" that... Bale had a really weird "Batman" voice? It was a little WWF. Just my opinion.

I was talking to my sister about "The Dark Knight" this evening (Wednesday night). It reminded me of a story, one that my sister had forgotten.

Twenty years and... three weeks ago (June 23, 1989), "Batman" starring Michael Keaton and Jack Nicholson came out. As an 11-year-old, I wanted to see it... really, really bad. But mom, dad and Jess (18 at the time) didn't see the urgency of getting out to the movie on opening weekend.

I begged and I begged, but no one was willing to take me to battle the crowds that opening weekend. I was bummed; I gave up.

My sister was waiting tables at Tippin's in Wichita at the time. She came home from her shift with a surprise for me: two tickets for us to go see "Batman" on opening night!

I still have the movie ticket to this day. I remember when she handed it to me... it was unlike any movie ticket I had ever seen. It was a plain white little square of paper and it just said "Northrock" and "Batman" along with a time. It didn't seem real.

But it was. We went and saw "Batman," and I decided then and there that it was the greatest movie of all time, "Citizen Kane" be damned. I then went on a Batman rampage: Batman T-shirts, toys, cereal, lunch box, you name it. I had Bat-fever. In some ways, I still do, to this day.

Anyway, my sister doesn't even remember any of this. As I told her, it was a much bigger deal to me than it was to her. "I'm glad I was a cool big sister," she said.

Still is.


Monster Monkey said...

Wow, 20 years ago
(this should be a PL theme...but anyway...)
I went to see Batman on opening day (I think I was 15 at the time)I was so blown away that I had to see it again. So, I don't remember the circumstance- but I ended up seeing it again later in the day and the next day my parents got caught up in the Bat-hype and I saw it again. That's 3 times I saw it in the opening weekend. I was stoked, and like you, thought it was the best movie ever made.
Good times

G.Nunn said...

Didn't we go to the premiere of Batman Forever? I remember we had to go to Taco Bell so you could get the bat signal flashlight in your kids' meal.

Jessica Johnson said...

I'm keeping this one in hard copy for my memory book! Thanks for reprinting it to make me sound like a good sis. The next story you should reprint is the one where I surprised you with tickets to PEARL JAM for their first concert tour! Man, I am a good sis... or it least I was before kids. Now, I'm more of a good mom... ha! I'm thinking we're going to see Batman tomorrow night. Mom's home with the kids! I need to buy the tix tonight. I'll keep you posted!

Gomez said...

Jess is the coolest! You are so lucky! I will never forget the movie either! Love ya cuz