So. "The Dark Knight" comes out today (Thursday), midnight.
I have my doubts. The motorcycle on the movie poster, for example. Looks weird. And do you remember in "Batman Begins" that... Bale had a really weird "Batman" voice? It was a little WWF. Just my opinion.
I was talking to my sister about "The Dark Knight" this evening (Wednesday night). It reminded me of a story, one that my sister had forgotten.
Twenty years and... three weeks ago (June 23, 1989), "Batman" starring Michael Keaton and Jack Nicholson came out. As an 11-year-old, I wanted to see it... really, really bad. But mom, dad and Jess (18 at the time) didn't see the urgency of getting out to the movie on opening weekend.
I begged and I begged, but no one was willing to take me to battle the crowds that opening weekend. I was bummed; I gave up.
My sister was waiting tables at Tippin's in Wichita at the time. She came home from her shift with a surprise for me: two tickets for us to go see "Batman" on opening night!
I still have the movie ticket to this day. I remember when she handed it to me... it was unlike any movie ticket I had ever seen. It was a plain white little square of paper and it just said "Northrock" and "Batman" along with a time. It didn't seem real.
But it was. We went and saw "Batman," and I decided then and there that it was the greatest movie of all time, "Citizen Kane" be damned. I then went on a Batman rampage: Batman T-shirts, toys, cereal, lunch box, you name it. I had Bat-fever. In some ways, I still do, to this day.
Anyway, my sister doesn't even remember any of this. As I told her, it was a much bigger deal to me than it was to her. "I'm glad I was a cool big sister," she said.
Still is.