Tuesday, February 20, 2018

2018 Ice Storm

Took this shot on Sunday afternoon when Adrianne was showing Evey her family tree, after Aunt Jessica asked me if I still had my family tree.


Cool day today. Adrianne woke me up around 6 a.m. and said "no school today!" I asked why and she said, "Ice storm!"

Sure enough, the weatherman nailed it. At 7 a.m. there was freezing rain and even lightning. It was a good storm.

It was interesting because despite the fact that school was cancelled, both kids were up early hanging out and watching the weather.


As much as I brag about Boydee, let me say this: he's awful to eat dinner with.

Takes forever. Flip-flops around. Gets mashed potatoes on his elbow. Talks with his mouth full.

I told him today that me and Evey were going to test him and pretend like we were strangers, see how he does. Then he got up and walked away from the table. "Can I spank him?" I asked. Then he complained about tomatoes on dinner!

My dad woulda smacked my ass... be careful Boyd... your time might be coming soon...

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