Sunday, November 1, 2015

Happy Halloween 2015

Thanks to Judy for sending this photo to me. Love Boydee going with the Peter Parker/Spidey look for the Halloween parade at Montessori School. He looks so good, people need to see his face!

Great weather for Halloween last night, a cool, crisp night, perfect for walking up and down Eudora's streets.

I had Adrianne take photos of all of us in front of the house (me, the kids, plus Evey's friend Abby.) Evey and I were pirates, Boydee threw me under the bus and refused to don his pirate costume... stuck with Spidey for the trick or treating.


By the way, it was 70 degrees today, Nov. 1st. The kids and I went and played golf... I was in a T-shirt and shorts! Evey's swing looks great, plus she dropped a 30-foot putt today and was like, "Oh." I was like, "EVEY, BOOM!!!"

After the round Jeff asked Evey what her shot of the day was, and she could barely recall the putt. But we all had fun, and that's what matters most!


I'm sitting here nervously waiting for game 5 to start... could the Royals win the WORLD SERIES tonight? I'm nervous/excited. I don't claim to be a loyal Royals fan from back in the day, but they sure have been fun to watch, a likable, exciting group.


Adrianne has been working like crazy on the back yard. It's looking good! My contribution? I take the kids and play golf, or to lunch, so she can have quiet time, uninterrupted!

Pretty good deal, huh?

I may have just committed to some labor of my own, though... if we have a sitter one of these weekends. Yikes!

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