Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Not bad!

The cheap gas prices have got me excited... forgive me.


Boyd came to basketball practice tonight and failed miserably. He'll be banned from practice for a few weeks, at least. Maybe he was tired. Maybe he needs a new direction. Something.


Evey is off school for Christmas break, and enjoying her time off. I can already tell it's going to be hard for her to return in a week...

Question: is it OK for an 8-year-old to watch "High School Musical"? It's rated G, but... it's called High School Musical.


Oklahoma and Texas got stomped today in bowl games/college fooftball. But still, the most bizarre loss goes to K-State basketball against Southern Texas University. A perfect storm of follies. Interesting to watch.


Adrianne made a funny recently.

I can't time it like she did, but her and Evey were griping about Boyd and me. We're too stinky, ornery, something.

Then Snickers jumped on my lap. Boyd was also sitting on my lap. The three boys sat there, pretending to be triumphant.

Adrianne scowled in our direction. "Evey... we live on the island of misfit boys!"  

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