Monday, August 13, 2012

with a black-haired flamenco dancer... you know she dances while his father plays... guitar... she's suddenly beautiful... and we all want something beautiful... man, I wish I was beautiful.

Boydee does this move whenever he's fighting sleep... he's laying on his back (like he is above) and he picks up both legs and slams them down, repeatedly.

Sometimes his legs hit Evey in the head... sometimes his legs hit me in the balls. It's never a good time.

So, on behalf of the rest of the Jones family... please, Boydee, stop kicking like this. It's not cool.


All of a sudden, Evey is less than a week away from her first day of kindergarten. She's quite excited. We have this paper-chain hanging in the kitchen... each day she gets to pull one link off. We're less 8 links away now. Unbelievable.

Evey gets to meet her new teacher on Thursday (Mrs. Paul.) Then, next Monday, her first day.

Where did the time go?


The other day, Adro and Boydee went to bed early (like 7 p.m. early!) Me and Evey stayed up and watched the Olympics.

Evey was playing with this small blanket on the ground, rolling herself up in it like a little churro. I grabbed her and laid her on top of me. The two of us layed there for a while, watching the Olympics together.

"Dad?" Evey said to me. "I'm kind of scared about going to kindergarten," she said to me in the meekest little voice.

"What? I thought you were excited, Evey?" I asked.

"I am! But... I don't know how to tie my shoes yet, Dad..."

"That's OK, Evey, we'll get it figured out..."

"But I try, and, Daddy, every time! -- my brain just can't remember what to do next!"

I told her it would be OK, and that I didn't know how to tie my shoes at her age yet, either. But I wasn't much older when I did learn... and this seemed to comfort her a little.


We've been trying to get Evey to sleep on time (8 p.m.) and up on time (7:15 a.m.), as if she was going to school right now. She did OK on going to bed, but she struggles getting up still.

The other day I went in trying to wake up Evey and she told me she just wasn't ready yet...

"Dad! I'm just not ready yet! I woke up with a grumpy attitude!"

Grumpy attitude.

That convinced me to let her sleep for ten more minutes.

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