Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A pendulum swings; A new chapter begins

Adrianne's Grandpa Weibel died last Friday. My Dad died this Monday.


I'm OK.

Me, my wife and my sister watched the KU/UTEP game with my Dad Saturday night. He was dying then, he couldn't open his eyes... I don't know if it's technically a coma or what, but I know he could still hear us. So we did play-by-play for my Dad. I was the play-by-play person, Adrianne and Jessica were the best color commentators in the world.

On Sunday night, Abasolo came over, and the three of us watched the 2008 KU national championship game. We just acted normal for that one, cheering when Mario hit the shot.

My Dad died at noon the next day.

I think me and my Dad were doing our best to have a good time together up to the very end. That makes me feel good.

You can read my Dad's obituary here:

More information on my Dad here:

Here is a photo of Norman and his wife, Velma. Norman was 88. We attended his funeral in Topeka yesterday. I only met Norman a few times, but he seemed like a sweet man to me. A stroke five years ago limited his speech, but he seemed to enjoy me and Evey being around.


That's all for now. Probably will be quiet here while we get all the services and everything going for my Dad.

Title of this post still a Beastie Boys lyric. If it were Pearl Jam month here I would have used, "We were but stones... your light made us stars." If it were Foo Fighters month I would have used "There goes my hero."


Neuty and Trish said...

We're so sorry for your loss. We're thinking of you guys. Please let us know if you need ANYTHING!

Trish, Eric and Bella

Unknown said...

I am so sorry about your loss. You are in my thoughts and prayers

Lindsey said...

We're sorry to hear about both of your losses. If you need anything just let us know. You and your families are in our thoughts and prayers.
Sadie & I will wave the wheat in honor of your dad on Saturday!

Alicia said...

I'm so sorry for your losses. Your family is in our thoughts and prayers.