Sunday, September 27, 2009

Like Don King, I got a crazy hairdo

Biggest adjustment of late is that I want to call my Dad. I used to call him a lot. Now, there are lots of times when I think to myself, "I should call Dad..." and then I'm like, "Oh... yeah..." For instance, this KU basketball versus KU football team story? Me and Dad would have been all over that.

It'll take some getting used to. I've been calling him on a regular basis since I moved out in 1996. You can't unlearn something that you've been doing regularly for the past 13 years. It takes time.


So, did you watch "FLASH FORWARD" on Thursday? What did you think? (Spoilers ahead if you recorded it...)

I thought it was overall pretty darn good, and I'm excited for some more episodes. Adrianne nailed it when she said, "The flash forward isn't about the end of the world, so it isn't as stressful, but it is an interesting mystery." I agree with that. It's not a race against time.

The mysterious man in black at the Detroit Tigers baseball field was an interesting twist at the end. I liked the way that guy looked. I wonder why he was at a Detroit Tigers game, of all places?

Things I did not like:

  • The hospital was not busy enough. The doctor and Bryce are having a casual conversation a few hours after the event. That hospital would be absolute pandemonium for another week, at least. I'm talking cots in the hallways, the National Guard bringing in supplies, CHAOS! Yet they save one boy's life, and they get to take a lunch break. Not realistic.
  • I think it was hokey how the female detective discovered the man in black at the Detroit Tigers ballgame. She was just looking at hours of surveillance footage and she happened upon this one baseball game, way out in right field -- here, wait, let me blow up the image to 500% -- oh, look, there's an evil dude in a trenchcoat! How lucky! ...maybe this will be explained better in a future episode... maybe there are a lot more people who were awake for the event. Or maybe something led her to check the Tigers game. Or maybe she's in on it, something. To just happen upon that particular moment is too 1-in-a-million.
  • It was too easy to get in touch with one another after the event. Cell phones would be down for a week, in my opinion. People would be jamming phone lines, trying to find out who was alive, who was hurt, and the whole system would collapse. Maybe I'm full of it, I just know how many hours it took me to get a cell phone signal at Lollapalooza two years ago, and that was only 75,000 people vying for airwaves.
  • Why were so few people talking about their "flash forwards"? If this happened to me, and I see you, the first thing I'm asking you is "What the hell happened in your flash forward?" And then I'm going to ask about your family and friends. Because you know what, we've got a worldwide mystery going on, I want to know what you know, NOW! For example, the married couple -- the FBI agent and the doctor -- they don't ask about each other's flash forwards until they're in bed. "Hey honey, how was your day?" "Oh, kind of crazy, you know, we all did that FLASH FORWARD thing this morning..." "Yeah, so, what's for dinner?" Granted, they both had FFs they did not like, but STILL... I'd want to know what Adro's FF was immediately. There are other people in the show, and they don't seem to talk about their FFs right away. I'd wear mine on my T-shirt I just hand-made. "Hi, my FF was me playing shuffleboard at Rick's Place, my team winning 12-8, KU basketball game on the TV, Jayhawks up by 7, and I'm hammered drunk. WHAT WAS YOURS???"

1 comment:

Alicia said...

So far it's VERY different from the book; wish they would have stuck to it more (minus all the detailed physics -- that just blew my mind!). It's a good book. You should check it out after the series is over.