Sunday, May 17, 2009

taste for life

The weekend is over. I must say, it was a pretty good one for me. Hung out with some good friends. Celebrated some good times (Ryno and Jason's graduation, Bart and Brent's birthday). Ate some good food. Drank some (several) good drinks. Enjoyed some good music (new Manchester Orchestra and KROQ's Weenie Roast live on-line). I even read a good book (The Umbrella Acaedmy by Gerard Way and Gabriel Ba).

Highlight of the weekend: Saturday night, I put on the KROQ concert, streamed live on-line from L.A. Evey was with me. She LOVED IT. Jammed good to Weezer, then REALLY got down to the Yeah Yeah Yeah's. Evey had different dances to the different songs, and she also emulated Karen O, chugging her juice just like Karen pounded her water.

Hope Evey will forgive me for the typical spaghetti pic. (I also have it on video.)

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