Tuesday, September 1, 2020

No belly moshing this weekend!

Adro and I in Omaha, last summer.
Adro and I in Omaha, last summer.

Hello from the Hall of Justice, 9 a.m. on a beautiful Sunday morning. Me and the dog are out here enjoying the weather. I’m catching up on unread emails (I just discovered the ‘schedule send’ button here in 2020) and listening to Pearl Jam live at Benaroya Hall Disc 1.


It was an interesting few days for sure, memorable because on Friday morning I went in and had hernia surgery on my belly button. 

The doctors and staff at LMH (Dr. Park did my surgery) were all fantastic… professional yet compassionate. Thumb’s up review all around on how they took care of me.

My recovery at home has been good. Day one was a little rough. It was hard to move around. And the painkillers made me paranoid. I felt like Cheech driving around in L.A. traffic at 10 mph. Sleepless first night for sure.

As of Sunday morning I feel pretty good. I can get up out of the chair relatively quickly, using my arm strength, avoiding stomach muscles. No painkillers for almost 24 hours now, just a little sore. I went to Aleve/Aspirin for a little bit and that was much better than the prescription stuff they gave me.


All the family pitched in to help me out. For Boyd, it was not being a wild man around me. For Adro, it was keeping everyone fed, to bed on time, etc. Grandma came over and hung out to make sure we were all doing good. 

Evey was the one who was so worried about me and willing to just stay close to me. She said to me Saturday night, “I don’t care what we do, but I want to do something with you.” We played an easy game of foosball, and then played Battleship (she destroyed me in both). Boyd came out later and we played Uno until the sun went down. Such sweet kids! Especially Evey.

She also told me later on that when she grows up, she thinks she’ll come over to check on me and mom often and make sure we’re doing good. I hope she’s right!

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