Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Boyd started at Montessori School!

Good news! Boyd started at Montessori School on Monday, and he LOVED IT!

He is unlike me. I hated my preschool, Kindercare. I cried and cried and cried until Mom finally pulled me out and watched me at home until I was about 12, I think.

The worst thing Kindercare did? I remember crying to Mom, "They put CHICKEN in their SPAGHETTI!!!"


I wasn't there for this, but, from Adro:

Boyd, Evey and Adro are watching TV in bed while I was away on business. A bra/panties commercial comes on TV.

"Mom?" Boyd says, getting her attention. "...sometimes I see these commercials with these girls... and I wish those girls were real... and that they could come out of the TV... and hold me."

That's my boy! And yes, son, I've wished that before too. ...but it was, uh, 15 years ago...


Adro held Boyd's hand on his first day walking into Montessori School... and he went in, no problems.

The next day? "Mom, can you not hold my hand today?"


Both kids have soccer practice in full swing. I'm coaching both teams again. Practices are Mondays, 5:30-6:30 for the big kids, then 6:30-7:20 for the little kids. It makes for a loooong Monday.

But this Monday was awesome, because when we came home, tired and sweaty, Adro had made a big pasta dinner with fresh side salads and a fresh loaf of bread from Sprouts in Lawrence. All I had to do was sit down!

Evey suggested that this become a regular Monday night tradition. I agreed with that idea. And then she had an idea for Tuesday night dinners...

Taco Taco Tuesday? No.

Salad Tuesday.

No thanks!

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