Monday, September 1, 2014

Boyd and Sylvia, Labor Day 2014

It's Monday night. Three-day weekends truly have become one of my favorite things. And that's coming from a guy who works from home. I can imagine how you feel!


Sylvia and Boydee, taken today at Rod and Lupe's place. Sylvia is 6 months old. Boyd, 2 years, 11 months. Sylvia is Rosalina and Brent's little girl.


Tomorrow is Adro's birthday. Wish her well, if you see her. Tell her Seth sent ya'.


My unbridled energy continues. I swam for a few hours with Boyd. Hung out at Jessica's. That doesn't sound like much, but trust me — it was a BUSY DAY.

Yet I went back to work tonight and edited/proofed 5 pages of the magazine.


Here is your shocking stat of the day: In August of 2014, Especially Evey (But Also Boydee) had 1,000 hits. That's shocking to me. I really thought it was down to just Adrianne, Damon and I at this point. But apparently there are still some of you out there. Thanks for reading! Sorry for the occasional swearing and drunk blogging.

I wonder how much of it is random web surfing from people who have no idea who we are and stumble here, somehow. I really do wish I knew who everyone is who knows of this site. Why? It would stroke my ego.

I've been a professional writer/editor for 17 years now, but it still tickles me that someone besides my mom would read my stuff.


On that note, check out the new issue of Kansas magazine, where I have a fun little article.


And please do click over to Golfdom, on a regular basis. And Athletic Turf.


Then there's this. I had fun!


The big news of the weekend, I think, is the massive leap Boyd took in swimming. Judy took him to swimming lessons this year, and it shows. But on Saturday, Boyd was pretty much a bobber in the water, and you had to try to convince him to paddle. Today (Monday)? It was like he had two rudders underwater... he puttered all over the pool!

He also enjoys diving in feet-first off the diving board. That impresses Rod. It does show some guts, I guess. But at the same time, it's one small step.


I should mention that this weekend was notable because Adrianne found inspiration to buy me some new clothes. Suddenly, I'm not such a slob. New shoes, new shorts, new shirts... thank you Adro! Sorry I hate shopping for clothes for myself. But, as I've told you before... you keep me farting in cotton. Like right now.

(Also, apologies for fart jokes. That might have been the first one, though.)

Happy birthday, Adrianne! I love you.

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