Thursday, January 12, 2012

Boydee's first phrase

Yes, my daughter is wearing play jewelry and my son is rockin' a baseball cap in this pic.

Don't they look adorable? They're so cute, they just break my heart.

This literally happened the other day (unlike most everything else on this blog, which is utter science fiction): It's about 4 a.m., maybe 5 a.m. Boydee was making some noises so I was awake and listening, waiting to see if he was going to start crying.

Out of nowhere, loudly, he goes, "I don't like it!"

I'm like, "What the?" Adrianne moved, so I go, "Babe? Did you hear that?" And she responded, "Yeah! 'I don't like it!'" We kind of looked at each other and just shook our heads. Sure enough, Boyd started crying a minute later so Adro picked him up and got him happy/sleepy again.

Strange, his first phrase got here before his first word.

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