Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A beautiful what?

We took a photo of the cousins together by our brick at Allen Fieldhouse. Marina's purse is resting on our brick, you can see my name is the last name on there.


Evey has had a couple good one-liners recently.

She drew a map of the planets for me, and started naming each one. Her planets were wildly out of order, but I couldn't put them in order either.

Evey was pointing out each planet to me.

"Dad, this is Mars... that's Neptune... here's earth... then Venus... that's Planet Druidia..."

So, I'm happy that Princess Vespa's home planet, from the movie "Spaceballs," made her list of planets.


We throw the term "brilliant" around the house loosely, usually in jest. I'm always coming up with brilliant ideas.

The other day I had a brilliant idea, and I shared it with Evey. Evey shrugged off my plan, and gave me her own. We agreed to disagree.

"Dad, my idea is brillianter than your idea," she told me.

That... we agreed on.


We were sitting at the dinner table and Evey started complaining about one of her classmates in her dance class. This mean girl, she told us, encouraged Evey to make the wrong dance moves.

"Which girl?" we asked.

"Well, she's the mean one. You know who she is. She has the beautiful retard."

Me and Adro tried to keep a straight face.

Turns out this girl had a beautiful LEOTARD... so she at least had that going for her.

Leotard is way brillianter.

1 comment:

Kendall said...

Evey's last one liner is truly hysterical! I actually had to share that one with some of my co-workers b/c I was laughing outloud.