Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Evey and Daddy's "Dark Knight"

This is a Seth-and-Evey collaboration, the first(?) of what I hope are many to come. Evey wanted me to draw something she could color. My favorite thing in the world to draw is Batman, so I fired one out for her.

She did all the colors, added the wings, and included the flower. She even added a "mom and dad" to it. Awesome!

The other day she asked me to draw my dad ("Pappa" to Evey) so she could color him. Well, I took it seriously and drew my best interpretation of my dad with a blue crayon I could accomplish. She took one look at it and said, "This doesn't look like Pappa!" and turned the page.

Oh well. At least she was thinking about him. I think I kinda nailed it, but 4-year-olds can be tough art critics.

I haven't posted/scanned/photographed enough of Evey's art in the past couple months. She's gotten really good at coloring, but more impressive to me, painting. She paints flowers, rainbows, girls in dresses, etc. I really need to sit down with her and show her some things, I think she'd pick them right up. She's a little artist. And she does get frustrated when things don't turn out the way she wants them... something I can relate to when it comes to art!

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